Dr Peter Houtzagers
Former associate professor of Slavic linguistics, University of Groningen
h.p.houtzagers”at”rug.nl (substitute “at” by the at sign)

The architect Petrus Johannes Houtzagers
Russische grammatic (gratis in pdf)
In the case of open access publications I have linked the items in the list to the place where the publication can be read or downloaded. If you have trouble finding the full text of other publications: contact me, I can often help.

- 1999 The Kajkavian dialect of Hidegség and Fertőhomok(= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 27), Amsterdam: Rodopi. (343 pp.)
- 1985: The Čakavian dialect of Orlec on the island of Cres (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 5). Amsterdam: Rodopi. (PhD diss., Leiden University.)
- to appear: “Kajkavian”. In: The Oxford Guide to the Slavonic Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- 2020: “Burgenland Croatian. (Gradišćanskohrvatski jezik)”. In: Greenberg, Marc L. et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online. Leiden: Brill. <http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/2589-6229_ESLO_COM_032166>. [This encyclopedia will later be published in print.]
- 2020: “On the Čakavian dialect of Čunovo near Bratislava”. In: Dutch Contributions to the Sixteenth International Congress of Slavists, Belgrade, August 20-27, 2018. Linguistics (=Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 44), 157-177.
- 2018: “The honorific third person plural in Slavic.” Russian Linguistics 42/1, 1-26.
- 2017: “Intonationsoppositionen im Kroatischen des südlichen Burgenlandes”. In Genis, René et al. (eds.) Definitely perfect. Festschrift for Janneke Kalsbeek (= Pegasus Oost-Europese Studies 29), 301-309. Amsterdam: Pegasus.
- 2014: “Burgenland Croats and Burgenland Croatian: some unanswered questions.” Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 39/1, 253-269, Zagreb.
- 2013c (Lucija Šimičić, Peter Houtzagers, Anita Sujoldžić, John Nerbonne) “Diatopic patterning of Croatian varieties in the Adriatic region”, Journal of Slavic Linguistics 21/2, 259-302.
- 2013b “Gradišćanskohrvatski: o hitnosti kvalitetnog terenskog rada”. In: Pannonische Jahrbuch/Panonski ljetopis 20, 250-254. Pinkovac-Güttenbach.
- 2013a “Obilježja kajkavskoga govora Vedešina i Umoka”. In: Od indoeuropeistike do kroatistike, Zbornik u čast Daliboru Brozoviću, Zagreb, 151-180.
- 2012 “Der Herr Professor sind in den Ruhestand getreten. On the honorific third person plural in Burgenland Croatian”. In Festschrift Honselaar (= Pegasus Oosteuropese Studies 20), 277-300.
- 2011 “The Croatian Dialect of Petrovo Selo near Szombathely”, Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56/2, 273-288.
- 2010 (Peter Houtzagers, John Nerbonne & Jelena Prokić) “Quantitative and traditional classifications of Bulgarian dialects compared”, in Scando-Slavica 56/2, 29-54.
- 2009 “On the dialect of the Moravian Croats”, in Scando-Slavica 55, 1, 147-165.
- 2008b “On Burgenland Croatian isoglosses”, in: Dutch Contributions to the Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists, Ohrid: Linguistics (SSGL 34), Amsterdam – New York, Rodopi, 293-331.
- 2008a “On the Čakavian dialect of Koljnof near Sopron”. In: Evidence and Counter-Evidence, Festschrift Frederik Kortlandt, Volume 1, (SSGL 32), Amsterdam – New York: Rodopi, 2008, 247-264.
- 2004 “O razvitku govora Hedešina i Homoka”, Kajkavci Vedešina i Umoka, Zbornik radova regionalne konferencije “Kajkavci med gradišćanskimi hrvati”, 15-36. Budapest: Croatica. In view of the considerable number of printer’s errors, I published an online pdf-text here.
- 2003 “On the phonology of the Čakavian dialect of Ćunski on the island of Lošinj“, Filologija 41, 33-50. Zagreb.
- 2000 “Effects of language contacts as a source of (non)information. The reconstruction of Burgenland Kajkavian”, Languages in Contact (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 28), Amsterdam: Rodopi, 157-164.
- 1996b “The development of the Hidegség and Fertőhomok vowel system”. In: Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 23, 111-142. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- 1996a (Peter Houtzagers & Elena Budovskaja) “Nominal and verbal inflexion in the Čakavian dialect of Kali on the island of Ugljan”. In: Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 23, 143-166. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- 1994 (Elena Budovskaja & Peter Houtzagers) “Phonological characteristics of the Čakavian dialect of Kali on the island of Ugljan”. In: Dutch Contributions to the Eleventh International Congress of Slavists, Bratislava: Linguistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 22 ), 93-109. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- 1991b (Х.П. Хоутзагерс) “Имперфект в чакавских диалектах острова Паг”. In: Советское славяноведение 5, 77-82. Москва.
- 1991a “Der Schneider, der Müllerknecht und der Teufel. Eine kajkavische Erzählung aus Hidegség (mit deutschem Paralleltext)”. In: Die Welt der Slaven 36/1, 201-253. München.
- 1988 “On the Kajkavian dialects of Hidegség and Fertőhomok in the northwest of Hungary”. In: Dutch Contributions to the Tenth International Congress of Slavists, Sofia: Linguistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 11),329-363. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- 1987b: “On the phonology and morphology of the Čakavian dialects spoken on the island of Pag”. In: Dutch Studies in South Slavic and Balkan Linguistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 10), 65-90. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- 1987a “Phonological remarks on the Kajkavian dialects of Hidegség and Fertőhomok”. In: Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku 30/1, 169-178. Novi Sad.
- 1986 “On Russian prepositional blagodarja“. In: Dutch Studies in Russian Linguistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics ) 8, 249-265. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- 1984-85 “Vowel systems of the Ekavian dialects spoken on Cres and Lošinj”. In: Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku 27-28, 885-893. Novi Sad.
- 1982 “Accentuation in a few dialects of the island of Cres”. In: South Slavic and Balkan Linguistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 2),117-129. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

In Dutch, intended for a general public
- 2003 “Schrift en uitspraak”. In: Peter Houtzagers (ed.), Russische Grammatica, 37-52. Bussum: Coutinho.
- 2003 (with Koenraad Blansaer) “Het adjectief”. In: Peter Houtzagers (ed.), Russische Grammatica, 129-176. Bussum: Coutinho.
- 2003 “Gebruik van de werkwoordsvormen. Inleiding”. In: Peter Houtzagers (ed.), Russische Grammatica, 425-426. Bussum: Coutinho.
- 2003 “Het voorzetsel”. In: Peter Houtzagers (ed.), Russische Grammatica, 509-534 (book), 131-162 (cd rom). Bussum: Coutinho.
- 2003 “Onpersoonlijke zinnen”. In: Peter Houtzagers (ed.), Russische Grammatica, 587-601. Bussum: Coutinho.
- 2003 “Zinnen zonder werkwoordelijk gezegde”. In: Peter Houtzagers (ed.), Russische Grammatica, 601-604. Bussum: Coutinho.
- 2003 (with Peter de Groot) “Het voegwoord, de samengestelde zin”. In: Peter Houtzagers (ed.), Russische Grammatica, 229-279 (cd rom). Bussum: Coutinho.
Edited books
- 2024 (Ed. Peter Houtzagers) Russische Grammatica, Groningen, University of Groningen Press (XL + 817 pp.). This book also appeared as a free downloadable pdf.
- 2020 (Eds.Egbert Fortuin, Peter Houtzagers, Janneke Kalsbeek) Dutch Contributions to the Sixteenth International Congress of Slavists. Linguistics, Leiden: Brill.
- 2014 (Eds.Egbert Fortuin, Peter Houtzagers, Janneke Kalsbeek, Simeon Dekker) Dutch Contributions to the Fifteenth International Congress of Slavists, Minsk, Linguistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 40). Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.
- 2011 (Eds. Cornelius Hasselblatt, Peter Houtzagers & Remco van Pareren) Language Contact in Times of Globalization (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 38). Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.
- 2008 (Eds. Peter Houtzagers, Janneke Kalsbeek & Jos Schaeken) Dutch Contributions to the Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists, Ohrid: Linguistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 34). Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.
- 2003 (Ed. Peter Houtzagers) Russische Grammatica, Bussum: Coutinho (672 pp. + 283 pp. on cd rom).
- 2003 (Eds. Jos Schaeken, Peter Houtzagers & Janneke Kalsbeek) Dutch Contributions to the Thirteenth International Congress of Slavists, Ljubljana: Linguistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 30). Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.
Last update July 25, 2024
The pictures on this home page were taken from Медынцева, А.А.: Древнерусские надписи новгородского Софийского собора, 1977, Москва. Both graffiti date from between 1050 and 1112.